A Leaf In The Wind


Venerable Thubten Gyatso’s (Adrian Feldmann) biographical account of the travels that led him to Buddhism. Born in Melbourne in 1943, Adrian Feldmann was one of the first Westerners to become a monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

In the 1970’s, Ven. Gyatso was a young doctor wrapped up in the hippie counter-culture. Seeking a greater purpose to his life, he began to travel, trekking through Afghanistan and sailing down the Indus River. What he found launched him on the spiritual path to Buddhism.

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Venerable Thubten Gyatso’s (Adrian Feldmann) biographical account of the travels that led him to Buddhism. Born in Melbourne in 1943, Adrian Feldmann was one of the first Westerners to become a monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Writing on the eve of his three-year solitary retreat, he begins to recount the inner and outer journey that led him to become a Buddhist monk.

In the 1970’s, Ven. Gyatso was a young doctor wrapped up in the hippie counter-culture. Seeking a greater purpose to his life, he began to travel, trekking through Afghanistan and sailing down the Indus River. What he found launched him on the spiritual path to Buddhism.

Ven. Gyatso gives a humorous, worldly account of his search for happiness. While there are many books on Buddhism, few describe such a personal and liberating journey.